Intuit®: Official Blog > Innovation > Valentines for Your Favorite Developers

Valentines for Your Favorite Developers

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It’s the season of love, it’s the season for taxes. At Intuit, our mission is to power prosperity around the world, and our engineers and developers do so every day through our flagship products – TurboTax, QuickBooks, and Mint. But when was the last time you thanked your developer? 

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we’ve created five handy valentines to share with your developer friends to help get them through seasons of tough sprints, epic requirements, and git commits. From our developers to yours, Happy Valentine’s Day!


For The Scrum Master In Your Life:

In the Scrum method of Agile software development, work is confined to a regular, repeatable work cycle, known as a sprint or iteration. Scrum sprints used to be 30 days long, but today most have been condensed down to one- to two-week sprints.

This Valentine’s Day, maybe it’s time to consider a longer-term sprint?



For The Agile Methodology Lover:

Stories and epics are popular agile methodologies to help organize work. Stories (also called “user stories”) are short requirements or requests written from the perspective of an end-user. Epics are large bodies of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller tasks aka stories.

Consider all the requests and requirements you send to your devs when sharing this one!



For The Coder That’s Single and Cool With It:

In the engineering world, GA stands for “generally available,” meaning the software product is ready to go to market.

Instead of remaining in early-stage alpha or beta tests, your favorite dev may be ready to deploy outside their apartment and mix it up.



When You’re Ready To Commit:

The “commit” command is used to save your changes to the local repo in Git Hub. When you save a file via a commit, you create a unique ID to track your changes and for version control.

Commitment to those beautiful lines of code you’ve worked so hard on can be difficult, but sometimes when you’ve got a good thing you’ve got to lock it down and share it with the world.



When You’re Ready To Go Public:

`scripts/deploy/sh production` is a command to deploy code into production, meaning it will be publicly available for all.

Considering changing your FB relationship status? This may be the perfect card to get your crush to get serious and deploy your love to production.



Are you ready to open source your projects or commit to making the code of your dreams? Share these valentines with your favorite developers and engineering friends then check out what we’re doing at Developer Week 2020. Happy Valentine’s Day!