Intuit Data Protection Illustration

Your data works for you

When you work with Intuit, you get access to a platform of benefits powered by our innovative use of data that protects your privacy while powering your prosperity.


The perks of our platform

We use the information you choose to share with us across our platform to help you reach your financial goals.

Here’s what we mean by “platform” – when you choose to share data with us, or bring over information from third parties (like a bank or loan provider), we use that data together, not just within the individual offering(s) you’re using. This means your bookkeeping details from QuickBooks, budgets from Mint, and recommendations from Credit Karma all live together.

This goes for everything except your tax preparation data – that stays in TurboTax and never goes anywhere except to the IRS without you telling us it’s okay first.

Keeping your data in one place like this enables us to save you time by putting the information you choose to share with us to use. For example, if you ask us to, we can fill out a loan or credit card application for you based on what we already know about you.

Your centralized data provides a holistic understanding of your financial situation that enables us to help you find more money, save time, and have more confidence navigating your finances. We’re constantly striving to create personalized experiences that power your prosperity in a way that’s most important to you.

You can learn more about our platform and how we store and use your data in our Privacy Statement.

Go to Privacy Statement

How we put your data to good use

Personalized services

We personalize our services – just for you

We help you spend more time managing your finances and less time entering information by automatically using your Intuit Account data in each of our offerings. For example, your employees’ timesheet information from TSheets can appear in your QuickBooks Payroll, ready for you to use.

Getting the right information

The right info at the right time

Our offerings show you up-to-date recommendations and insights based on your data so you can make the financial decisions that are right for you. For example, cash flow insights in QuickBooks let you know the likelihood that an invoice will be paid late, so you can better prepare.

We use artificial intelligence to show you these insights. This technology helps our services perceive, learn, reason, and predict patterns, empowering you to make decisions about your finances that are backed by data.

Experts when you need them most

Experts when you need them most

Offerings like TurboTax Live and QuickBooks Live connect you with certified financial experts so you can get the answers you need from a real live expert. We use your data to anticipate when you might need help from one of our experts, so we can suggest a call or chat to help you get your best outcome.

 Seamless connections to third parties

Seamless connections to third parties

Not only can we suggest which loans or credit cards might be a good fit for you based on your specific situation, but we can also help you apply for them with the click of a button. We save you the time of filling out lengthy applications by entering all that info for you from your Intuit Account, after we ask for your permission to do so.